Blackstar Studio 10 EL34 1×12 Combo Amplifier Limited Edition Royal Blue sale in uk
Discover Your Ultimate Single-Ended Valve Tone
Simple controls
Studio 10’s simple controls allow you to quickly access classic, timeless tones encapsulating everything from rich boutique cleans to creamy overdrives.
Post power stage Speaker Emulated Output
To capture the true sonic experience of the power valves driving and breaking up when driven, the Emulated Output is take after the power stage. Every nuance of your sound can be easily recorded or run through a PA for larger venues.
The elegant Studio 10 EL34 is a low gain, classic British crunch amp with an EL34 in the power amplifier and an ECC83 in the preamp stage, resulting in a flawlessly boutique, sultry crunch. This model includes a footswitchable preamp Boost for an authentic classic rock and indie rhythm tone and articulately powerful blues leads.
Front Panel Features:
- Input Sockets
- Volume
- Boost
- Tone
- Reverb
- Master
- Standby
- Power
Rear Panel Features:
- Emulated Output (Mono, taken after the power amp)
- Series effects loop
- Effects level switch
- Footswitch (Supplied 1-button to activate boost feature, or use an optional 2-button for boost or overdrive and reverb)
- Mains in
- 3 speaker outputs – 1 x 16 Ohm, 1 x 8 Ohm and 2 x 16 Ohm