Landscape Stereo Field sale in uk
STEREO FIELD is one instrument with three uses. It is simultaneously a stereo/quad modular touch plate feedback atonal synthesizer, a stereo/quad audio processor and a pressure sensitive chaotic CV “controller”. All three uses are available separately as well as simultaneously and in conversation with each other. The Stereo Field allows its user to manipulate and patch two analog stereo preamp circuits via touch plates. By utilizing skin conductivity as new paths for current to follow you are creating “new circuits” and new sounds in relation to where your fingers are patching.
The sound is sometimes easy to describe; (distortion, filtering, resonance, high-pass, lo-pass, feedback, sine waves, square waves, pulse width modulation, formants, white noise, pink noise, metallic noise, stereo rhythms, wave-folding, frequency modulation, amplitude modulation, spacial shifts, panning, sub octaves, pitch following) but most of the time these definitions fall “between effects” or in combinations of multiple effects that can be shifting, feeding back or pulsing in sync with incoming audio during processing.